The Necessity of Vision

(Proverbs 29:18, Ephesians 1:15-19a)

Proverbs 29:18 in the KJV: Where there is no vision, the people perish. When we speak about the necessity of vision, the reasoning from that scripture - written by the wise man named Solomon - is crystal clear. We need to speak of the importance of vision because this day and age in which we live, pastors and churches seem to be confused or have forgotten the necessity of vision.

What is vision?

Obviously, in the physical or human context, vision is the ability to perceive through the sense of sight. In the Bible, the ability to see was so important that blindness was considered a curse. When we speak about vision in the life of the church, we speak of something similar: very simply, vision is the ability to discern and understand in which direction God is leading. We need to know God's vision and His heart, and to be led by that, lest we go forth in our own strength and understanding, which is always a recipe for disaster.

Where there is no vision, the people perish, they cast off restraint. We understand that vision is something that holds us together - it is that which both captivates us and binds us together; that which keeps us moving in the same direction, guided by God and communicated by church leadership. Vision is that which keeps us on point and on task - it is that which keeps us focused and encourages us to submit all of our personal agendas to the fulfillment of what God is calling us as a Body to fulfill. The vision is what encourages us to commit our time, talent and treasure to the cause of the Kingdom, which is bigger than we are.

What does the lack of vision look like? We find a good example in the book of Judges. Judges is the story of the children of Israel in a cycle of disobedience and repentance after crossing into the Promised Land. Joshua had died and the people fell under the influence of various nations, and God, in His grace, raised up men and women called judges. Through their disobedience towards God, the Israelites broke their covenant with God. Each time they disobeyed and repented, God would raise up a judge to deliver them, but this was a stopgap measure at best. Judges is the story of a nation between the Promised Land and the monarchy of Saul. The last verse of the last chapter of Judges gives us a stunning picture concerning the necessity of vision and how people perish when there is none: "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit (what was right in their own eyes)." (Judges 21:25).

Sadly, that is the position of many in the church today - doing what seems right in ‘my’ own eyes. Even sadder is the reality that many leaders have abdicated their responsibility to communicate and teach the vision that God has for the church. We need to understand that the church is not a democracy when it comes to the vision of the church. We don't hand out ballots and vote on what kind of church we are going to have; if we are going to talk about the Kingdom of God, that means there is a king and in any kingdom the word of the king is law. When we don't seek the vision of the King, we cast off restraint. We do what is right in our own eyes and estimation and ultimately, we will perish.

Rev. Darrell A. Hazard.

wise or smart?

True wisdom is the combination of both worldly and spiritual/biblical knowledge. The fact that we are in a season of time where it is absolutely critical for all of us, regardless of our personal economic situation, to operate in a level of divine wisdom like never before. We are in what the world considers and dark economic times and God is moving His people into position to take advantage of the spiritual harvest that is occurring simultaneously during this natural time of famine.

However, in order for us to be prepared and position ourselves and God desires, it is going to require a level of wisdom beyond our natural understanding. Some of us hear the need for true wisdom and think we need to go out fill our brain with all kinds of information, but there is so much more to it.

For a moment, let’s look at one of definition of the word “wisdom”:

First, the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. This definition says having knowledge is only a part of being wise, but there is another part of the formula.

The second and most important aspect of being wise is acting upon or making a decision based upon the information or knowledge we possess! It’s very similar to the idea of having faith. We cannot say we have faith in something unless we put our belief or trust in that something to work. We all know the scripture, “faith without works is dead.” Well knowledge and information without action or decision makes us just very smart or informed people, but it doesn’t make us wise.

Psalm 111:10 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

This is why Psalm 111:10 is so critical for Christians. God is going reveal instructions on how the act upon or make decision about the information and knowledge many of us have or soon will have. However, unless we have faith and do what He tells us to do; we are no better off than the people who are not aware of what we know. We cannot be wise without action or decision; just as we cannot say we have faith if we never put our faith to work.

It cannot be reiterated enough that having a lot of education and knowledge doesn’t make us wise if all we do is store it in our minds and spit out facts to illustrate to others how smart we are. Being smart and being wise are NOT synonymous! What good is it to go to a class to learn how to write a business plan if you never use this knowledge to start a business! What good is it to learn all there is to know about real-estate if we never purchase a piece of property! What good is it to read the bible as a believer in God and then worry about everything under the sun we have absolutely no control over!